Green Cities Initiative sensitizes Kisumu pupils on environmental conservation

By Fredrick Odiero

Fifty one pupils who are members of the 4K (Kuungana, Kufanya, Kusaidia Kenya) Club at Tido Primary School in Kisumu East sub county have been sensitized on environmental conservation during an induction exercise.

During the exercise, the pupils took an active role in learning and planting trees in order to appreciate the importance of environmental protection and conservation.

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) in charge of environment, Mr Salmon Orimba said the trainees were briefed about the Green Cities Initiative and were also enlightened on the significance of trees in line with environmental protection and conservation.

He noted that Kisumu was one of the counties which suffered from environmental stress due to destructive human activities.

The official said the focus was on improving the urban environment, strengthening urban-rural linkages and resilience of urban systems, services and populations to external shocks.

“It is also aimed at ensuring access to a healthy diet from sustainable agri-food systems, increasing availability of green spaces through urban and peri-urban forestry. It also contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation of sustainable resource management,” he said.

The CECM, Agriculture Mr. Gilchrist Okuom watering the tree seedling after planting. Photo Fredrick Odiero

The Deputy Governor (DG) Dr. Matthew Owili commended Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in their collaborative support through purchase of tree seedlings and capacity building by training 48 TOTs that will go a long way in ensuring sustainability of the program not only in schools but also to the community.

Owili elaborated on strategies put in place to achieve the same including: 47 coordinating committees formed and established in all counties, developed manual, a website, technological transfer in place by the agents of change and the establishment of centres of excellence.

The DG said the county government will capacity-build youth entrepreneurs and also provide access to finance at low interest, some as low as 5% and others at commercial rates to support youths who perceive agriculture as a risky venture.

The CECM Education Mr. John Awiti who represented the Governor in the event thanked both the national government and partners for the seamless collaborations.

He applauded FAO for the great initiative that he noted would bring a remarkable change in Kisumu Union Primary’s environment.

As an Educationist, he acknowledged the tree planting exercise carried out in schools by the department of Agriculture.

“Education is the foundation of life, therefore instilling the right mind-set in the pupils at an early age, will promote sustainability of the initiative to benefit the generations to come,” he said.

He further noted that the Governor was passionate about agriculture and environmental conservation.

This, he said, was evident by his focus on the green and blue economy through the establishment of the Lake Front Development committee that deals with issues of riparian land.

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