Grade seven pupil injured in a terror attack in Mandera

girl mentally Form stabbed death

By Kevin Odera

A Grade Seven pupil was hurt after suspected Al-Shabaab militants hurled explosives into Fino Primary School in Mandera County.

Security agencies stated that the pupil was part of a group that had gathered to listen to the area’s Member of County Assembly (MCA) Abdimalik Mohamed Ibrahim.

Abdimalik confirmed that he was in a meeting with teachers and pupils when the explosives were flung at them.

“At about 5.50 PM while I was in a meeting at the school, explosives were thrown at us. The pupil who was closest to me was injured,” said the MCA.

The pupil was taken to Mandera County Referral Hospital and had injuries in his left hand.

“Our security officer in the area engaged the attackers in a shootout as they ran towards Somalia. I personally took the injured pupil to the county referral hospital,” said Mr. Abdimalik.

Mr. Ibrahim had gone to the area earlier in the day on a fact-finding tour and had meetings with several different groups.

However, Lafey Deputy County Commissioner Juma Twabara denied reports that a terror incident had taken place in his area.

“I am not aware of any terror related incident in Fino. But we have Special Forces in that area who have a different kind of protocol when reporting any security incident,” said Mr. Twabara.

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