Gov’t urged to put up additional infrastructure in TVETs

By Musyoka Kaliti

Stakeholders in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector have called on the government to put up enough infrastructure in their institutions for hosting extra curricular activities.

Speaking at Kigari Teachers college during the ongoing TVETs and Polytechnics’ drama festivals, Peter Kaume, KATTI Mt Kenya West Chair said that most TVET institutions in the country lacked enough facilities to host large functions such as sports, music and drama festivals compelling them to travel for long distances to a suitable venue.

“It is true that the government is injecting more resources in TVETs but we have no institution that has facilities to host such events like drama and sports, we urge the government to look into this,” he said.

Bungoma North Technical Training Institute Principal, Elisha Nyamu said that 2,000 students were participating in the festivals to showcase their talents in drama.

Mr. Nyamu, who is also Western Region TVETs Sports Chair, noted that through the festivals, TVETs  have an opportunity to continue strengthening relations.

KATTI Treasurer, Patrick King’oina said that although there were a handful of disabled students, there was need to fully support differently abled students to have an opportunity to grow together with other students.

Bartha Owaga, the disabled persons representative reiterated the sentiments and added that disabled persons were not provided sufficient opportunities to showcase their talents.

He promised to push for more chances so that they can also feel represented in the festivals.

Mt. Kenya West KATTI Chairman, Patrick Muchemi said that drama was a source of income and a good starting point for students who would want to grow in the film industry.

He also said that through drama there was promotion and cultivation of good moral values among the community.

Over 53 TVETs and Polytechnics from across the country have converged at Kigari Teachers College for this year’s drama festivals, themed ‘Promoting Moral Responsibility Through Theatre and Film’.

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