Govt to support co-curricular growth in TVETs

Mount Kenya West TVET Director Charles Nyota accompanied by KATTI principals meets one of the teams during the Mount Kenya West sports competitions.

Mount Kenya West Regional Director of TVET Charles Nyota has said the government will continue supporting co-curricular activities in TVET Institutions in order to mould and nurture student talents.

Nyota said co-curricular activities are very important to TVET students and the government has laid down adequate measures to ensure all of them participate.

Speaking at Nyandarua National Polytechnic during Mount Kenya West regional KATTI Sports competition which was attended by over 18 TVET Institutions from Muranga, Nyandarua, Laikipia and Nyeri counties, Nyota said apart from getting skills from the TVET institutions, students should actively participate in sports for their holistic growth.

The Nyandarua National Poly
Mount Kenya West Regional KATTI Chair of Sports and Recreation Robin Wachira awarding one of the teams.


Nyota said the government will provide sports equipment to TVET institutions to boost participation, also urging KATTI principals to improve sports infrastructure in their colleges.

“We want to encourage our KATTI principals to ensure they improve the standards of sports fields in their institutions so that they can be fit to be used during sporting activities,” he said, encouragint trainers to give the students moral and practical support to excel in these activities.

Nyota was flanked by Mount Kenya West KATTI Chair Ruth Wanja and Mount Kenya West KATTI Chair of Sports and Recreation Robin Wachira, among other KATTI principals and guests who attend the event.


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