Govt to address challenges facing local schools, Mbeere DCC says

By Robert Nyagah

Mbeere South Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Mr. George Omolo has assured schools in the area that the government is working on solving the shortages they had raised concerns about.

Speaking to residents of Kiamuringa B area during a public baraza, the DCC said that teachers, desks, electricity and water supply among other shortages would be supplied by the new government as soon as it settles mainly through the  National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF).

The DCC noted that most schools in the area operated without water and electricity despite being in the path of the networks that supplied the same.

“It is such a shame that some of the resources we require pass by infront of our noses. This is unacceptable. I will follow up and make sure that each and every shortage is dealt with,” he said.

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