Govt asked to crack down on drug traffickers amid abuse among Embu students

Embu drug

Embu County nominated MCA Jane Karimi Njue has urged the government to crack down on drug traffickers amid an alarming rise in drug abuse, especially bhang and illicit brew, among students in the area.

She termed the vice as a menace that required urgent intervention by the government and other stakeholders to ensure students focus on their studies and to avert imminent destruction of the youth.

“The government should hasten plans to initiate new police posts in this area because students are the worst victims. We need to unite to fight this because it is criminal and has already reached overwhelming levels especially within Kiamuringa in Mbeti location and various parts of Mbeere South,” she said.

Speaking during a thanksgiving ceremony at St. Chrysostom Kiamuringa ACK Church, Ms. Karimi regretted that a large number of bars and wines & spirits outlets had been licensed to operate close to schools and homesteads.

She said that the Kiamuringa community was standing united in demanding action against the proliferation of the drugs which affected the social wellbeing and negatively affected progress and success of education.

“Due to involvement of the youth with bhang and alcohol, the number of those dropping out of schools due to addiction, early pregnancies and marriages, and truancy has been on the rise,” she added.

She noted that addiction had caused a large number of form four leavers who had qualified to join technical and vocational colleges had refused or failed to enroll even after being made aware of the availability of government sponsorships.

The nominated MCA expressed hope that with support from residents, the government shall eradicate the trafficking and spread of drug abuse.

By Robert Nyagah

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