Governor Wangamati lays foundation for KMTC campus

By Achola Bulimo Mathews

The Mt Elgon Constituency National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) in conjuction with the Bungoma County government has officially laid  the foundation stone for the construction of a Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) campus at Kapsokwony area on a five-acre piece of land through funding from the World Bank at a tune of Ksh. 30 million.

According to Bungoma governor Hon. Wycliffe Wafula Wangamati and  the area legislator Hon. Fred Chesebe Kapondi, the construction of the KMTC campus is expected to be completed in a period of 4 months.

Hon. Kapondi said that the NG-CDF has allocated an additional Ksh. 10 million for the construction of the adminstration block.

The duo noted that the institution will help to increase the number of qualified healthcare professionals in the county and in line address the human resource deficit that is facing the health docket in the county.

Bungoma County Governor Hon Wycliffe Wafula Wangamati officially kick starting the construction of the Kapsokwony KMTC College.

Governor Wangamati noted that after completion, the school will uplift the economic lifeline of the area residents who will in turn upgrade the economic status quo of the area through increase in the price of real estate, boosting the hotel and agriculture sector and improvement of infrastructure.

“If we can recall, Kibabii University started this humbly and so far it has opened up many opportunities for Bungoma county residents,” said the governor.

The medical college is expected to enroll the first one thousand students by early next year.

Hon. Wangamati urged leaders in the county to embrace peaceful campaigns during this electioneering period.

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