Governor summons educationists over poor exam results

By Ben Leshau

Narok Governor Samuel Tunai has summoned education stakeholders over poor 2017 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and KCPE results where a paltry 459 candidates will join university out of 6,482 who sat the national examination in the county.
Angered by the poor results where only 7 per cent made it to the university with no single student scoring an A or A(Minus), the Governor called for urgent meeting with principals, education officials and parents demanding answers over the dismal performance.
According to County Education Quality Assurance and Standards Robert Moseti, the poor grades were alarming and blamed it on ‘small man’ attitude among teachers and parents which lower the morale of the students.
“Last year’s results are not something worth celebrating. We had no single A or A-,we just had 12 candidates getting B+, 304 scoring C (plain), 505 scoring (Minus), 860 (D+),1,734 (D), 2,251(D-) bringing the number of those who scored below C (plus) to 5,012 which is worrying”, said Moseti.
Moseti said while there were four candidates scoring A- and 485 attaining the minimum university entrance grade, the declining trend continued.
Interestingly, the 459 who attained a mean grade of C (Plus) and above hail from 55 schools out of 129 meaning 74 schools never produced a single university student.
“Out of the 459 again, 190 come from two schools which are Moi Naikarra and Nkoitoi secondary schools while the 53 schools shared the rest,” said Moseti.
During the forum that was conducted at Maasai Mara University hall, Governor Tunai however called for a radical surgery in the education system in the county saying the trend is posing a threat to the future of majority of youth in the county.
He said: “Having just 7 per cent going to university is a very serious matter. What went wrong?. I know we can do better than this and that is why I have called you to deliberate.”
Tunai reiterated that the majority of the 2017 candidates scoring below C+ means that the county cannot be able to produce professionals in various sectors such as engineers, scientists, doctors and other skillful labour as the country eyes industrialization.

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