Governor meets school heads, assures support despite delay of funds

Governor Ken Lusaka has assured Bungoma school heads of his continuous support amid delayed disbursement of funds by the National government.

Speaking at the annual Bungoma Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) retreat in Nakuru today, Lusaka noted that the delay in the disbursement of funds by the National treasury has severely affected remittance of scholarship and bursary funds to learning institutions hence hurting daily operations.

“We appreciate that you are running institutions under a tough financial crisis caused by delays in release of capitation funds from the National Government and unpaid school fees from parents which makes it difficult for you to meet your daily operating expenses,” Lusaka said.

He noted with great concern the increased cases of arsons in schools and announced that the County Special Programmes Department is working on an elaborate disaster management training and sensitization to help build capacity of schools to respond to such outbreaks.

“In a view to the recent fire outbreaks in our schools, the unfortunate occurrences have caught the disaster response in schools unawares,” he said.

Lusaka further urged school heads to engage all stakeholders in running the affairs of the schools, while imploring them to support the streamlining of the County scholarship programme.

“I am grateful for the goodwill you have demonstrated towards my administration. You remain key stakeholders in the process of finding long term solutions to the challenges facing the education sector, particularly support of legitimate needy student’s tuition payment,” he said.

The county boss reiterated that his administration will work closely with all Members of Parliament in the County to prioritize infrastructural development in schools to ease congestion.

He also noted that his administration has acquired a water rig that is fully operational and with drilled water, students will easily access clean and safe water for consumption.

Lusaka affirmed that access to clean water in schools reduces outbreaks.

“I urge you that when we drill the water in your schools, you also allow the communities around to benefit,” he said.

By Tony Wafula

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