Governor lauds scout clubs for being the most active school associations

Taita Taveta Governor Andrew Mwadime has lauded scouts and girl guide clubs for being among the most active associations in learning institutions in the county.

In a message read by the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Youth, Sports, Gender, Culture and Social Services Shadrack Mutungi during the closing ceremony of the Taita Taveta County Scouts and Girl Guides competitions held at Mwangea Boys Secondary School, the governor applauded the organizers, teachers and principals for supporting and allowing learners to participate in such competitions.

The governor urged those participating in the competitions to be as determined, hard working and disciplined in their classwork so as to produce better grades and marks.

Mutungi promised to consult with the organizers of the event and the county government in a bid to ensure that all the teams that have performed well and are set to proceed for the regional competitions in Tana River in June get the necessary facilitation to represent the county.

On his part, the County Scouts Commissioner Lawi Osewe noted that this year’s county competitions have been one of the best since students showed high levels of discipline as required by the Scouts Association of Kenya.

He noted that cooperation was high during the competitions which incorporated questions relating to CBC and that students have showcased excellent skills in different categories during the assessment.

“The competition focused on various skill developments aligned with the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) including hygiene, scouting skills, climate change interventions, disaster management, patriotism and self-reliance,” said Osewe.

Taita Taveta County Scouts Commissioner Lawi Osewe(Left) and Taita Taveta County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Youths, Sports, Gender, Culture and Social services Mr. Shadrack Mutungi during the ceremony.

Despite the excellent performance displayed by different scout patrol clubs, Osewe disclosed that some scouts lacked gadgets to carry out tasks presented to them and called upon school heads and other stakeholders to provide the scouts and girl guides with the necessary gadgets to enable them carry out their activities in an efficient manner.

Osewe urged the county government to support the teams proceeding to the regional competitions.

The commissioner urged schools that did not take part in the competitions to consider sending their teams for future competitions to enable the teams get a chance to showcase their skills and learn life skills like problem solving and self-protection among others.

1,054 learners from primary and secondary schools in Mwatate, Voi, Wundanyi and Taveta sub-counties participated in the competitions.

Bura Teachers Training College also took part in the competitions as Coast Institute of Technology (CIT) Voi benchmarked on the same.

The following teams took the first 4 positions under the different categories;

Under Mwamba category for girls, Mwakitawa High School was position one followed by Murray Girls High School, Canon Kituri High School and Mwasere Girls High School.

In the Chipukizi category for girls, St. Stephen Primary took the first two positions followed by Mwatate Junior and St. Agnes Primary School.

In Mwamba under boys category, Kenyatta High School emerged position one, St. Mary’s Lushangonyi became position two while Dr. Aggrey High School and Ngami Secondary School took position 3 and 4 respectively.

Under Chipukizi boys category, Mwatate Junior was position one followed by St Stephen Primary at position 2 and 3 and Ziwani Primary at position 4.

Under the Rovers (Jasiri) category which includes colleges, St. Mary’s Teachers Training College, the only college present, emerged position one.

By Michael Oduor

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