Governor decries laxity by churches in offering spiritual nourishment in schools

churches schools

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa has urged churches to improve on their spiritual nourishment mandate to students in schools that they sponsor.

Barasa said some churches had taken a back seat in religious matters contributing to runaway indiscipline in their schools.

He noted that students required constant guidance, spiritual nourishment and encouragement to help them focus on their studies and dissuade them from earthly temptations.

“Our churches should take the initiative to actively contribute towards the spiritual growth of our children in schools and colleges. This will help instill moral values in them,” he added.

The governor was speaking at his office in Kakamega town this morning when he hosted the Anglican Church of Kenya Maseno North Diocese Bishop Charles Asilutwa.

Barasa also urged religious leaders to speak in one voice over matters affecting the country including the high cost of living, over-taxation and poor funding towards counties.

“Our church leaders should form a unity of purpose that is meant to keep the government of the day in check for the benefit of Kenyans as they used to do in the past,” he said.

Bishop Asilutwa echoed the sentiments saying a united religious fraternity would help hold the national and county governments accountable.

By Denis Lumiti

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