Governor calls for joint development projects as a measure to curb insecurity

By Kipilat Kaptuya

West Pokot Governor Prof John Lonyangapuo has called on the National Government and other county governments to invest heavily in education and initiate joint development projects along the border of the neighboring counties in the North Rift region as a permanent solution to insecurity.

Speaking at Kapkasa area in Trans Nzoia county while inspecting development projects, the governor   said that there is need to initiate joint development projects along the border of the neighbouring counties to help tame banditry and cattle rustling menace.

Prof Lonyangapuo pointed out that he has already rolled out development projects along the West Pokot –Trans-Nzoia border point to uplift the area that was marginalized and neglected because of insecurity.

“We have built 4 schools, churches, roads and drilled water in this place. We have donated a generator to be used in farms for irrigation,” he said.

 He issued out Shs 2 million from the county government infrastructure kitty arguing that development projects in the region will sustain peace in West Pokot, Trans-Nzoia, Elgeyo- Marakwet, Turkana and Baringo border counties.

 “We want peace to prevail in this region for development to be realized,” he said.

He urged county governments to allocate more resources along the border since the region has been neglected because of insecurity.

 He also urged area governors not to give lame excuses but to instead focus on developing the region that is still lagging behind in development.

“Counties should initiate projects like schools and hospitals to ensure that residents stay in peace. Our people along the border live under God’s grace and at the right time, they should start enjoying the fruits of devolution since there is peace in the region,” he said.

He further urged the governments to concentrate on the volatile areas which lagged behind because of conflicts by electrifying the areas and supplying water.

“Areas like Chesegon, Tiaty, Katikomor, Turkwel,Lorogon, Kainuk, Narwomoru, Nakwomoru, Masol, Cheptulel, Apuke and Kapedo  need to be uplifted ,”he said.

Prof Lonyangapuo   called on leaders from the region to join hands in preaching peace and initiating projects.

He condemned any form of violence adding that there is need for the leaders to have regular joint peace meetings in the area.

“Peace should be a continuous process and cannot be achieved in a day,” he said.

The Governor urged area residents to take their children to school for them to get jobs.

“We want residents to get jobs in companies like KenGen. We need professors and doctors in the area,” he said.

 Prof Lonyangapuo lauded area residents and leaders for maintaining peace.

“We have embraced the unity of leaders after discussing crucial things because of the wonderful correlation.” He concluded.

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