Governor Bii urges elderly people to teach youth cultural practices

The Pokot Community performing their traditional dance during the on-going Uasin Gishu County Cultural Festival./Photos Enock Okong'o

Uasin Gishu County Governor Jonathan Chelilim Bii has urged the elderly people to pass on cultural practices to the youths in bid to ensure they are not lost in the future.

Bii speaking while addressing the public in Eldoret town today during the opening of the County’s Annual Cultural Week celebrations that provide opportunities for communities to showcase and celebrate their cultural values together in diversity revealed that it is essential for older generations to teach the youth for them to appreciate diverse backgrounds and values.

“We live in at a time influenced by a lot of social and technological changes that need repeated inculcation of self-development values in our children by involving them in practical participatory activities,” he said.

Somali Community during the on-gong  Uasin Gishu County Cultural Festival.

The Governor further asked parents to use the occasion to teach the youth to embrace tolerance, self-discipline and patriotism in their quest for change in society because culture calls for sobriety.

During the fete that will take three days, the first day was marked dances from different ethnic groups from different parts of the country.

Among the communities present at the event include; Nandi, Pokot, Elgeyo Marakwet, Abagusii, Kipsigis,Tugen Kikuyu, Indians  among others.


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By Enock Okong’o

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