Governor Bii lauds CBC as he opens this year’s National Music Festival

Uasin Gishu County Governor Jonathan Bii./ Photo courtesy

Uasin Gishu County Governor Jonathan Bii has supported the country’s new education system, the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) noting that it is the game changer.

Speaking when he official opened this year’s National Music Festival in Moi Girls Eldoret, Bii said CBC has ensured learners to showcase their talents to outside world.

He added that CBC will enable learners to make a living out of their talents even while at schools or in the future.

“CBC is the good thing to ever happen in the education sector, it enables students to harness their talents as early as in primary schools and as a result, they can make a living through their talents while in school or in the future,” he said.


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The County boss lauded participants as well as teachers for their sheer dedication which enabled some of them reach to the national championship.

The themes of corruption, education, and cyber crime have featured dominantly in this year’s 96th  National Music Festival which will end on August 14, 2024.

Thika TTI rehearsing for their play

The competitions have attracted more than 130,000 participants drawn from different schools across the country who showcase their talents in plays, songs, poetry among others.

By Enock Okong’o

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