Government uses local administrators to ensure all learners report to school

By Kamundia Muriithi

As schools reopen amid a sea of problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, over 2 million learners from the more than 7,000 primary and secondary schools in the Eastern region are expected to report back to their various schools this week.

Fearing a heart-breaking dropout, the government through the Ministry of Education, Interior and Devolution are now working hand in hand with a central aim of ensuring that all learners get back to school.

The security team, Ministry of Education officials and local administrators headed by Eastern Regional Commissioner, Isaiah Nakoru are currently on the task as directed in a circular shared by the Principal Secretary for Basic Education Dr. Belio Kipsang. 

Speaking to the press, Nakoru said that the team will trace and bring back learners who will not report back to school.

 “We will also monitor the reopening in private schools in our mission to ensuring that no learner misses school. We have no report on private schools with problems of reopening. However, those that will face the challenge of reopening will have their learners shifted to public schools,” he said.

While on an inspection tour of the reopening of the schools in Embu County, he lauded Iveche Primary School where the reopening was at 95 percent with a 100 percent reopening of the standard eight class on day one.

He, however, urged the schools to comply with set Covid-19 protocols in order to curb the spread of the virus.

On the other hand, Regional Director of Education Mr. Patrick Khaemba, revealed that 50 percent of the desks have been supplied to schools affirming that the remaining batches will be delivered by this week.

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