Government keen to tame moral decadence in secondary schools in Coast

Mvita Sub-County Deputy County Commissioner Ronald Mwiwawi

The government has attributed the continued moral decay in the society to a section of parents who have abandoned their parental role.

To that effect, Mvita Sub-County Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Ronald Mwiwawi has beseeched parents not to abandon their parental responsibility lest they destroy their children’s lives.

Speaking at the Ronald Ngala School ground during the issuance of KSh44 million bursaries for 5000 secondary school students by Mvita Member of Parliament Mohamed Machele, the DCC said indiscipline among students is resurfacing.

The official said cases of indiscipline can be linked to the juvenile criminal gangs that have posed a headache to authorities in coastal counties, the majority being young boys.

He however, divulged that the rate of juvenile-related crimes had gone down in the years 2021 and 2022 as evidenced by the improvement of KCSE performance in last year’s results.

“This year, new problems have emerged. The problem ailing our sub-county is because we accept learners from other constituencies, especially Likoni and Kisauni,” he said.

He promised to visit Serani, Sacred Heart, and Mvita Boys Secondary schools to read the riot act on learners with indiscipline cases.

At the Likoni crossing channel, he stated, there is a tendency by learners after school to fight without a valid reason at Nyali Bridge. He laid the blame on parents for their children’s behaviour.

The DCC revealed that learners want to turn the Mama Ngina Waterfront into a bawdy house. He noted that both boys and girls carry home clothes in their school bags and later loiter at the waterfront at 8pm.

He urged parents to ensure their children arrive early unless they have remedial classes after discussion with teachers. “If a child left school at 5pm what is he doing at Mama Ngina?” he asked.

He said some students are bhang addicts in the purview of their parents. “As a parent, you will suffer the consequences. Instead of raising criminals, I urge you to raise morally upright children who will assist us in future.”


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The DCC calls for collaboration between parents and the security apparatus to tame the unbecoming behaviours. Parents were challenged to monitor their children’s behaviours to improve school performance.

Mvita MP Mohamed Machele absolved the constituency children from blame saying 40 per cent of students in the constituency schools are from the neighbouring constituencies and the fist fights are a result of grudges from their localities.

“We are being branded as criminals yet it is not our children,” he said.

Machele said plans are at an advanced stage to turn Mama Ngina Secondary School which was moved to Shimo la Tewa into a TVET to impart skills to 70 per cent of form four leavers from the constituency who fail to attain University minimum entry grade.

The legislator challenged parents to motivate their children to work hard in their academics. He further told parents to be responsible despite the tough economic time and not to over-depend on politicians for all their children’s needs like school fare and uniforms.

“Let carry our responsibilities, when you want a politician from his meagre salary to do all the responsibility it will force him to be corrupt to satisfy the constituents’ demands,” he said.

By Hilton Mwabili  

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