Government asked to strengthen Guidance and Counseling in schools

By Enock Okong’o

The vice chairman of Evangelical churches of Kenya Rev. Lawrence Nyanuga has asked the Ministry of Education to employ more guidance and counseling professionals in schools.

The clergyman said that many young people across the country have attempted suicide after either cases of pregnancy or small social issues that can otherwise be avoided.

Rev. Lawrence asked the ministry to allow qualified gospel workers to visit schools at specific days to enable them interact freely with students and discover their problems in advance for possible advisory remedies as most schools lack spiritual experts that could assist children to grow and be strengthened spiritually.

He appealed to parents to provide emotional support to their children especially the girls when they are in school to prevent them from getting stressed.

“Let our parents provide emotional support to our growing youths by teaching them life skills that will enable them confront problems easily whenever they encountered them,” advised he.

His advice came shortly after a form three boy student committed suicide at Keragia Sub-location in Kisii County. He reportedly committed the atrocity after differing with his father over his transfer from a local secondary school to a boarding school.

The bereaved  father narrated how the son did not want to leave his local school because he operated from home where he mixed with his age mates who indulged in laxity and other social vices.

It was on this background that he disagreed with his father before taking his own life.

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