Girl tops in Kericho County with 424 marks

Rehina Chepngetich from Chemitan Academy in Kericho scores 424 marks in KCPE and topped in the County

A girl, Rehina Chepng’etich of Chemitan Academy, topped Kericho County after garnering an impressive score of 424 marks.

20 students from the school managed 400 marks and above, while 63 got 350 -99. The school had an entry of 92 candidates and managed a mean score of 379.36.

In the county rankings, she was followed by Elon Kimutai of Sally Ann Academy with 421 marks, featuring also among the top performing pupils nationally.

Elon Kimutai from Sally Ann Academy who managed 421 marks

Among other top candidates in the county were Ruth Kerubo of Chepseon Complex who scored 417 marks, Jimmy Kipkurui and Bruce Ondara of  Chumo Academy who tied at 412, and Patience Jemutai of Progresive Chep Chep Academy (407).

KNUT Executive Secretary Kericho branch Ann Cheruiyot congratulated those who achieved top marks and wished them well in their pursuit of education.

Among the top public schools in the county is Kericho Township Primary, with the leading student Sammy Omondi garnering 387 marks, and Christiano Mare got 383 marks.

By Benedict Ngetich

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