Girl buried in mudslide only days after getting her KCPE results

Pupils turn back to go home after they were unable to cross a river. A KCPE candidate died in a mudslide just days after receiving her KCPE results.

A 16-year old girl died after she was buried in a mudslide just days after receiving her KCPE results as the heavy downpour around the country that has claimed the lives of almost a hundred continues to wreak havoc.

Area chief Robert Matano confirmed the sad incident that happened at Katungu village, Kilungu Sub-county of Makueni county.

On the same night, a former secondary school principal and an AIC Maumba Church Reverend died alongside his mechanic when their car was swept away by raging waters of Ivoesyo River at Kalamba, Nzaui Sub-county.

The 68-year old preacher was among other people who had parked near the river waiting for the water to subside.

“As they waited, he dozed off in his car but was woken up to reverse since the river continued swelling. Surprisingly, he engaged the forward gear and before he realized, the car was in the river,” said an eye witness.

His body was found in his partly buried car about a kilometre away. However, by the time of reporting, the mechanic was yet to be found.

A total of 18 residents of Makueni have lost their lives since the onset of the El Nino rains. Kenya Red Cross, the government and other leaders have called on the public to avoid crossing swollen rivers, however calm it might look.

By Lydia Ngoolo

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