Get out of office, KUPPET young blood tell old guard

KUPPET officials led by National Assistant Treasurer Ronald Tonui (in grey jacket) during Nakuru Branch General Assembly in Naivasha. They want their older colleagues to go home and let their younger brothers take over.

Kenya Union of Post Primary Teachers (KUPPET) officials from four counties have urged all officials in the national office who have attained the age of 60 to leave office for fresh blood to take over.

National Assistant Treasurer Ronald Tonui, Kisii Vice Treasurer Jentrix Ogolla, Nakuru Executive Secretary Duncan Macharia, Samburu Chairman Reuben Kwendo, and West Pokot Assistant Executive Secretary Mathew Merimuk said the time has come to pick leaders of choice and remove those who are clinging to power by all means.

The KUPPET officials were speaking at Naivasha ACK Church during Nakuru County KUPPET Branch General Assembly, which was also attended by various dignitaries.

Tonui said KUPPET is not a political party, but a professional union with the core mandate of advocating for the welfare of teachers.

“We are very concerned about the affairs of KUPPET as a professional teachers’ union and we politely request our seniors who have served us in various positions in the national office and attained the age of  60 years to vacate office and leave youngsters to continue moving the union forward,” said Tonui.

He accused some national officials of attempting to change the KUPPET constitution so that they can remain in office, promising to rally teachers around a common cause to oppose the plan.

He compared the old guard at KUPPET to COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli whose aim is to stay in office for life.

“Teachers are knowledgeable, intelligent and elite and they will continue to ensure that KUPPET is led in a professional way through strictly adhering to its constitution,” he added.


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By Peter Otuoro

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