Gazette Nyandarua as a hardship area, KNUT, KUPPET ask the Govt


Teachers Unions Knut, Kuppet and Political leaders in Nyandarau County are advocating for the gazettement of Nyandarau County as a hardship area.

The leaders want the government to declare the County a hardship area in order to attract civil servants especially teachers so as to enhance the standards of Education.

Speaking during Nyandarua County Education Day event, they said when implemented many teachers will be enticed to teach in Nyandarua and thus improve academic performance among learners.

KNUT Nyandarua North Branch Executive Secretary Johana Ndungu said the County has harsh cold climate conditions which do affect people living here including teachers.

Ndungu said many teachers are preferring to teach in the neighboring counties of Laikipia and Nakuru as they leave Nyandarua county due to its unfavorable climate conditions.

The unionist said in order to save the dwindling standards of education of the children of Nyandarua County, the  Government should gazette Nyandaraua County.

“Nyandarau county when gazetted as a hardship area, it will attract more teachers and our children will have enough teachers and we shall have increased students’ contact hours which will improve their performance in primary and secondary schools in the county”, said Ndungu.

These sentiments were echoed by his KUPPET counterpart Julias Macharia who said the government should urgently look into the matter to save the situation.

Nyandarau Senator John Methu and Three Members of Parliament from various constituencies in Nyandarua also promise to spearhead the process of ensuring the county has been gazetted as a hardship area through lobbying the concerned state departments.

Nyandarua County has ten sub-counties including, Nyandarua Central, Mirangine, Nyandaraua West, Gathanji, South Kinangop, North Kinangop, Nyandarua North, Abardare, Kipipiri, and Wanjohi sub-counties.

Others present were Nyandaraua governor Kiarie Badilisha, County Education officers, KNUT officials, KUPPET officials, Senator John Methu, MPS, KESSHA officials, KEPSHA officials, Private school representatives, County Education Boards Members among other Education stakeholders.

By Peter Otuoro

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