Garissa Varsity student ditches learning, elopes with landlord

By Amoto Dennis

A Garissa University female student has allegedly eloped with a millionaire landlord in Garissa County.
According to family sources, the said landlord disappeared last August and hasn’t been seen of since then.
The family added that the man had earlier before his disappearance had introduced to them to a local lady he was engaged to.
“Since meeting the university student from coast region, things have taken a different turn for the worse as we aren’t able to reach him,’’ said his younger sister.

Although, the family members agree that the youthful landlord isn’t at home in Garissa they seem to disagree on his whereabouts.
Whereas the younger sister believes her previously hard working brother is in Mombasa, a brother refutes those claims saying their brother is just holed in some part of the romantic Garissa town.
“I suspect our brother is in Mombasa where the lady comes from, but I don’t understand how she took him there. We think he has established a family there, but what amazes me, is how the lady has swept him of his feet, to leave all this property just for the sake of love. I know love is blind but I think the lady could have treated our elder brother on love portion,’’ posed the sister.
Locals in the town told Education News that such happenings aren’t new in the area.
Against this background a student of Garissa university said that an employee of a bank in the town is reportedly under investigation for depositing money into a couple of university girls bank accounts.
Garissa University which was chartered in 23rd October 2017 to be Kenya’s 31st public university has 1,200 students, currently on three month long holiday.

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