Garissa County Gov’t allocates Kshs 100m to student bursaries

By Amoto Ndiewo

Garissa county’s Finance and Economic Planning executive has tabled the much awaited 2021-22 budget estimates to the county assembly.

The education sector will receive Kshs 100 million from the Kshs 9.3 billion budget which will go towards bursaries for students from poor families.

Other programs set to benefit are drought response, ward development project and cash grants for youths, women and people living with disability.

County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Finance Roble Said Nuno said they are keen on funding water services within the county.

Modogashe and Tawakal water supplies are among the prioritized water projects.

CECM for Education, Youth polytechnics and Sports Habiba Nasib Jelle praised the budget estimates saying the water projects will uplift education in the arid region.

‘Through the water projects, parents will have easy access to water and students won’t have to help their parents look for water,’’ she said.

On youth empowerment, she said the county will waive 50% of the business permit on new entrepreneurs aged between 18-25 years to enable school leavers enjoy a favourable business environment.

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