Frustrated Machakos parents appeal for ECDE centre to save children from long distances

Machakos County Minister of Education Dr Consolata Mutisya

Residents of Kithaayoni in Matungulu Sub-county are urgently requesting the construction of an Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centre to save their young children from the exhausting and dangerous five-kilometer journey to the nearest school in Kyeleni.

The appeal, directed at the Machakos County Ministry of Education headed by Dr Consolata Mutisya, underscores the daily struggles faced by parents and children alike.

“Our children are too young to be making such long and tiring journeys every day. We have to accompany them to school because they cannot go alone,” said Jane Mwikali, a mother to one of the kid.

“They arrive at school exhausted, and it’s affecting their ability to learn. Our cry goes to our governor to consider this project as an emergency,” she added.


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The long commute is not just a physical strain but a significant safety concern. Parents often have to accompany their children, disrupting their own work schedules.

“It’s not safe for the kids to walk that far on their own, and it’s challenging for us to escort them,” noted Peter Mutiso, another parent.

“A local ECDE centre would be a game-changer for our community because as you know early childhood education is essential.”

The proposed ECDE centre would provide a safe, accessible, and conducive learning environment for Kithaayoni’s children, ensuring they focus on their education rather than being worn out by their journey.

The residents’ call comes at a time when the Machakos County Government is emphasizing educational reforms.

A response to this plea would not only meet a critical need but also demonstrate the government’s commitment to equitable access to education.

By Agnes Orang’o

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