Former student donates computers to slum school in Murang’a

Learners at Mjini Primary School in Murang'a carry computer monitors that were part of the complete sets donated by a former pupil Dr Kamau Wairuri.

A former Mjini Primary School pupil in Murang’a has donated computers as a way of giving back to help learners acquire ICT skills.

Dr Kamau Wairuri, a lecturer at University of Edinburgh Napier in UK, said through Kamau Wairuri Foundation, he found it fit to support his former primary school as lack of ICT knowledge has been a problem for many schools.

Kamau said a visit to his former school located in Mjini slums exposed the myriad challenges the learners go through in the absence of computers.

Kamau said when he met stakeholders led by the headmistress Christine Michubu, he learnt that the tablets provided by the government were not enough for the 510 learners, including those in JSS.

“There is a dire need for professionals in various fields to give back to their community,” said the lecturer, observing that ICT skills will help the learners in various grades make a difference in their learning, challenging the government to in future prepare before rolling out programmes.

“The laptop programme was one of the best to lay the foundation for the introduction of ICT in the education system before it collapsed in many of the institutions,” said Kamau.

Michubu  said the school will benefit from the donation as the teachers  will be working in a friendly environment  without spending much of their time in cyber cafes.

“The tablets were not enough for the school population thus the donation by our former pupil will make a huge difference to the learners and teachers,” she said, revealing that they had incidentally prepared a computer laboratory in anticipation that a donor might come along and offer support.


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By correspondent 

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