Form 4 candidate dies in grisly road accident after lacking Ksh10 fare


A form 4 candidate has passed on after being knocked down by a speeding personal vehicle while crossing the Meru-Nairobi highway after she was sent home for school fees.

Peninah Kyalo, a student at Kiereni Secondary School in Chuka, Meru County, met her untimely death at Kirubia after she reportedly tried to hire a bodaboda to take her to Chuka town but riders declined her fare of Ksh20 where they normally charge Ksh30.

“I wish we carried her because the girl first approached two colleagues while offering Ksh20 but they declined because the distance from Kirubia Stadium to Chuka town usually cost at least Ksh30,” said Mr. John Mutembei, a bodaboda rider from the area.

Mr. Mutugi Kirimi, another bodaboda operator, said the girl looked worried when she approached them and did not even bargain when told that Ksh20 was not enough.

She decided to cross the road to join her colleagues who were also walking to town, a distance of one kilometre.

However, her death occurred moments later, prompting sadness and regrets from the bodaboda riders for not carrying her.

“Had we known what would happen to her, we would have even carried her for free. We regret it,” said Mr. Kirimi.

Law enforcement officials transported the driver of the car to Chuka Police Station before removing the girl’s body to the Chuka County Referral Hospital.

By Thuita Jaswant

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