Form 3 student slashes girlfriend’s face in Siaya


The family of a 17-year-old Form Four student at Got Matar Secondary school in Siaya County is seeking justice after their daughter was allegedly attacked and assaulted by her boyfriend, who is a class behind her.

The girl is currently admitted at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital where she was referred to by medics from Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital where she was rushed after Bondo Sub-County Hospital which received her first lacked the proper facilities to work on the deep cuts inflicted all over her face.

“The attacker was not alone. We suspect he was in the company of other people who have disappeared. It was all good until 6 am when neighbours informed us that my daughter was lying in a pool of blood with deep wounds all over her face,” the victim’s mother said.

At the same time, East Yimbo Chief Julius Odemba who confirmed the incident said that they are working with the Bondo Sub-County police to find and arrest the suspect.

“Investigations are ongoing and I know that we will soon arrest the suspect and his accomplices,” Odemba said.

By Vostine Ratemo

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