Follow fees directive, Tana MCA urges principals

By Amoto Ndiewo

The  MCA for Sala Ward in Madogo , Tana North sub county Fauzia Sadik has faulted some head teachers for not following Education CS George Magoha’s directive  to  assess parents’ ability  to pay school fees before sending  their children home.

Sadik said some head teachers were not flexible and were hellbent on sending learners for school fees.

“Just as the minister said parents’ financial ability must be addressed before any student is sent home for non-payment of school fees,’’ she said.

 Sadik said since it was the responsibility of parents to pay school fees and they shouldn’t dilly dally in doing so.

“ Residents of Sala are living through a common thread of hard economic times but ought to try hard to fulfil their responsibility to foot the school bills of their children. Any slipup can result in the students dropping out of school,’’ Sadik  observed.

She said if parents are allowed to pay fees at their own pleasure then the debt ridden schools might not be able to run smoothly.

Sadik urged parents from humble backgrounds to honour the agreements they might have made with the school managements to pay money in instalments.

“Since bursary may not be enough the parents with humble backgrounds shouldn’t lie on their laurels, waiting for manna from heaven,’’ she warned.

However, Fauzia called on the Treasury to release funds for the bursary to ease the burden of the poverty-stricken parents in Sala ward 

 A fortnight ago, Magoha told parents to pay third term fees arrears. He warned that on scrutiny those parents found able but not footing the school fees arrears bill would have their children sent home.

“The majority of parents who have not paid yet they can afford to,’’ noted the CS who has called on the principals to accommodate form ones from humble background when reporting to school.

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