Financial institution banks on youth employment strategy to promote peace   

By James Wakahiu

Family Bank is committed to the promotion of job-creating institutions in order to absorb the ever-increasing number of unemployed youth, thus shunning them from engaging in anti-social activities.

The bank’s Chief Commercial Officer, Ken Kaniu, says idle and frustrated Kenyan youth are easily enticed into crimes and drug abuse, among other evil activities.

“This is why our bank will continue to support employment-generating enterprises to engage our youth,” the officer said.

He was speaking to delegates during the three-day Second International Conference on Peace and security held at Mount Kenya University (MKU) which ended over the weekend.   The bank had hosted a dinner for them at the Thika Sports Club.

Kaniu said the bank supports businesses because love, peace and unity cannot be realized if the gap between the poor and rich continues to widen. “We cannot have peace when the majority of our youth are unemployed,” he said.

The banker commends MKU, sponsors including United Nations organizations, government departments and private sector partners for arranging the conference. “This forum would not have come at a better time. We need these messages of peace to go out there especially now are just around the corner,” he said.

Kaniu said MKU opened an account with Family Bank in 2008 and since then, they together walked the talk. “We will continue to support MKU to prosper. We have supported the university to grow and we are now happy that the institution has over 40,000 in all its local and regional campuses,” said the banker.

MKU’s Pro-Chancellor,  Dr Vincent Gaitho, hailed the bank for the support it has offered to the instution over the yaers as well as agreeing to be a sponsor for last weeks’ international conference.

The event’s master of ceremony, Jesse Mwangi, urged the bank to continue partnering MKU and to enter into a new partnership with its sister company, TV47 media house to promote peace in the country.

Among those who attended the function were MKU Chairman Prof David Serem and the university’s Finance Director, John Mwangi.

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