Family seeks justice after teacher who assaulted learner refuses to pay medical bill

learner assaulted boy

The family of a class 6 learner at Machongo PAG Primary school in Bomachoge Chache, Kisii County is seeking justice after he was allegedly assaulted by a teacher who accused him of stealing his phone, which was later found in his office.

The teacher reportedly wrestled him leaving him unable to neither sit nor walk before the school broke for mid-term break almost a fortnight ago.

“The teacher accused me of stealing his phone and despite denying the claims, he didn’t believe me and proceeded to box and kick me numerous times while forcing me to the ground. I managed to escape by accepting the crime,” he explained amid tears.

Numerous attempts by the victim’s mother to visit the school to find out the reason why his son was assaulted have borne no fruits so far.

Due to the unstable financial situation of the boy’s mother, he has not received any medical attention. The teacher had promised to cater for the hospital bill but has reportedly gone silent.

The area sub chief is yet to take action despite being aware of the matter.

“After the phone was found, I went and pleaded with the teacher to cater for my son’s medical bills at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital but he said that I should return to the institution with my village elder. I later report the matter to the Education Office in Kisii where he was ordered to cater for the medical bills only to leave us hanging. He has never called us,” the mother said.

Now the family is seeking the county government to intervene to help settle the medication fees since the institution is adamant to do so.

In April, Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu stated that the assaulting of students in the name of corporal punishment will be regarded as a criminal offence.

 By Vostine Ratemo

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