Family seeks help for girl who turned blind ahead of KCPE

By Lydia Ngoolo 

A family in Mwingi has called on well-wishers to help their daughter undergo an operation to clear a tumor in her brain which rendered her blind.

The KCPE candidate lost her sight just days before sitting the exam and is undergoing treatment at Mwingi level 4 hospital.

Mwingi Sub-county Deputy County Commissioner Solomon Komen said efforts to treat her in time for her papers bore no fruits since doctors confirmed she had a tumor in her brain which resulted in the loss of eyesight. The 16 year old Stella Vaati is a pupil at Kisole Primary school.

He further added that there are three other candidates admitted at the same facility but managed to do their exams from the hospital.

Her mother Kathini Maluki said her daughter was fully registered for her exams and was determined to succeed.

“She started complaining of severe headache and when the pain was relieved, she lost her eyesight. I took her to Kitui hospital for X-ray but I got shocking results that she had a mean tumor,” Maluki said.

She added that her daughter was a repeater since she did not perform well in her previous exam due to the migraine. She appealed for help to take her to Kenyatta National Hospital where they have been referred for specialized treatment.

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