Family seeking justice for KCSE candidate defiled by police

By Andanje Wakhungu

Parents of a Form Four candidate in Shinyalu Sub County in Kakamega County are seeking justice after their daughter was alleged defiled by a police officer attached to the Shinyalu police post.

The parents have raised concern after the said officer has reportedly been threatening them against proceeding with the case despite medical reports indicating that the girl was abused.

The incident, which took place on the night of March 9, was recorded at the police post on the next day, March the 10th. According to the medical report to the ministry of health Shinyalu Health Centre, the act was booked in the occurrence book Ref No. 07, stating that the juvenile had allegedly been defiled by a person known to her hence the need for her to be examined to ascertain the degree of injuries for further cause of action.

The parents who are perturbed by the incident have expressed fear that the officer is threatening them against proceeding with the case maintaining that he did not defile the girl as alleged.

The medical report availed to the Education News indicating the medical officer’s reference number as 2350/22 reads that the neatly dressed girl was brought in by a police officer and her parents having been defiled by a person known to her on the night of March 9 at 11pm, but her condition was stable condition.

The officer, according to the OB statement, is also accused of defiling another Form Two student from a school in Kakamega South Sub County.

The parents of the candidate (names withheld to protect the minor’s identity) narrated how they were woken up around 1 a.m in the wee hours of the night by their son, who shares the same room with the victim.

It was then that it transpired that the girl was missing and upon inquiries from neighbours, they managed to trace her to a nearby residential plot next to the DCC Shinyalu office. On further interrogation, it reportedly emerged that the minor had been sleeping in the officer’s house, prompting them to storm the officer’s place.

The girl however insists she only slept on the bed as the officer was busy watching a football match on television. When the parents raised the alarm, the Shinyalu OCS guided them on the     right procedures to be followed including the medical examination. 

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