Family delighted as well-wisher pays form 1 fees for stranded daughter


The family of a 2022 KCPE candidate, who has been stranded at home due to lack of school fees, has a reason to smile after a Development Activist James Mabere offered to pay her secondary school fees.

14-year old Zawadi Okello, a resident of Ruambwa sub location in Budalangi constituency, Busia county scored 348 marks in the national examination.

Speaking to Education News at their Namalo village home, her mother Roseline Okello said it was by the grace of God that their daughter will now be able to join secondary school.

She said that at one time, Zawadi threatened to take her own life, a situation that caused her and her fisherman husband to live in anxiety.

Zawadi profusely thanked the well-wisher for assisting her at her time of need adding that he had reignited her dream of being a surgeon.

“I am indeed very grateful to God for softening the heart of the well-wisher to come and support me in this hour of need. I had been stranded at home and I had lost hope of joining form one, but I want to express my sincere gratitude to my well-wisher whom I now consider as my blood brother,” she said.

Mabere noted that both male and female students in the constituency have in most occasions failed to join secondary schools and universities due to lack of school fees.

He paid fees totaling Ksh12,000 accounting for the whole year and learning materials for Zawadi to continue her education at Peter Habenga Okondo Secondary school in the area.

Mabere called on the Budalangi NG-CDF committee to ensure they provide bursaries to all deserving students.

He urged fellow professionals in the constituency to also chip in and assist needy cases, adding that he is ready and willing to work closely with any well-wisher to support students requiring financial assistance.

“Education is undoubtedly the key to a better future for our children. There is therefore urgent need on our part to support the education of needy cases in the constituency.” He said.

By Gilbert Ochieng

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