Family bank issues scholarship to 110 bright and needy students

By Felix Wanderi

The Family Group Foundation, a subsidiary of the Family Bank has spent Ksh 30 million to sponsor 110 needy form one students.

The ‘Tufuzu na elimu’ scholarship programme will foresee the students’ secondary education for four years.

Speaking at the Kiambu county government headquarters in Kiambu town, the foundation’s board of trustees chairman Francis Muraya said that over the years, the foundation has spent over Kshs 150 million on scholarships.

11 counties which include Kiambu, Nyeri, Bungoma, Uasin Gishu, Mombasa, Makueni, Nakuru, Meru, Muranga, Kajiado and Kisumu each had 10 students set to benefit from the scholarship.

“We are happy to partner with the county government to help needy students get to school. I urge parents and guardians to support their children,” said Muraya.

Governor James Nyoro, who graced the occasion, said the county government has partnered with well-wishers who supplement the county bursary fund to support the education of needy children within the county.

Kiambu county executive in charge of education Mary Kamau said that the county bursary fund has risen from Ksh 100 million in the last financial to Ksh 190 million in this financial year.

She added that they are set to reach out to 25,000 needy students.

Titus Muya, the founder of the bank, said that through the bank’s social arm, they decided to chip in and aid needy students in the country.

“The bank is looking into giving more scholarships in the future. We are offering scholarships as a way to give back to the society,” said Muya.

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