Examination-cheating cartels resurface with new tricks

By Amoto Dennis

Examination cheating rings that collapsed four years ago seem to have resurfaced, threatening to compromise major reforms instituted to guard the credibility of national exams.

The new cartels are now targeting early exposure of the question papers, just after the scripts leave the safety of metallic containers. The new threat to cheating by sneaking out question papers points at a collusion between government officials entrusted with the exams.

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha revealed that the daring groups sneak out question papers that, are sent to university students or subject masters for mass circulation.

At least thirty schools across the country are under investigation in connection with examination leakage plans and a number of students have been caught with phones with question and answers.  

Magoha confirmed that schools in Nyamira, Banisa in Mandera, Kakamega , Isebania , Migori are under watch.

The CS said the security operatives are pursuing the persons behind the ring and cautioned schools that found culpable will have results cancelled.

The tough talking Magoha seems to point a finger at a well-placed scheme keen to dent the credibility of the national tests, thus eroding the gains made since 2017 when the old KNEC was disbanded.

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