Ex-Cardinal Otunga student who is an orphan appeals for help to pursue his varsity education

Emmanuel Uhuru, an orphan appeals for help to pursue his university education :Photo/Enock Okong'o

Emmanuel Uhuru, a needy form four leaver from Bomeroga village in Kisii County is appealing to well-wishers to help him to join the University.

The former student of Cardinal Otunga Mosocho Boys School is an orphan whose parents died 20 years ago when he was a toddler.

Uhuru and his two siblings were left under the care of their grandmother.

He scored 360 marks in KCPE at Ititi Primary School before joining Cardinal Otunga School from where he sat for KCSE and scored grade B plain to be offered a chance at Zitech University this year.

According to the report from the school, the boy was obedient and hardworking whose school fees and other needs were catered for by well-wishers and the school.

He is now in dire need of help to join the university as his grandmother cannot raise the requisite fees.

“My grandson applied for an education bursary fund in the constituency but they have not responded.” The grandmother said.

According to the grandmother who identified herself as Cecilia Nyaboke, she fears that her grandson might not realize his dream and she requested anyone who might wish to assist to send their donations through M-PESA 793051735 for the university fees.

Uhuru has received an admission letter to study education at the university to meet his dream of becoming a teacher.

“After successful completion, I intend to help my siblings along with other yearning learners to acquire education for self-sustenance.” He said.

His maternal uncle Jason Monari said that they sold their piece of land for the needy family’s upkeep but now they have nothing else to turn to for his financial support.

He appealed to the area Member of Parliament and Member of the County Assembly (MCA) to combine efforts and assist the needy boy to continue with his studies.

By Enock Okong’o

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