Equity Bank gives 16 Busia students scholarships in Wings to Fly programme

Teso North MP Oku Kaunya presenting a cheque to one of the bursary beneficiary.

Equity Bank has given 16 students from Busia County scholarships through its Wings to Fly programme, divided equally between the two branches in Busia and Malaba.

The scholarship was also shared equally between the girls and boys to ensure gender parity, among the beneficiaries being Dancan Akumba Okumu of Lunyofu Primary School who is joining Bungoma High School and Sheila Nafula Olobera who joins Chwele Girls from Siwongo Primary School.

Others are Readon Onyango Onyango (Bukhalalire Secondary from Odiado Primary), Caleb Mugaro Mufogo (Salvation Army Kolanya Boys from Bulanda Primary), Linda Omondi Atieno (Sinyolo Girls from Namwitsula Primary), and Meshack Wabwire Wandera (Mwihila High School from Nambale AC).

Equity leadership
Equity Bank’s Wings to Fly logo. 16 students from Busia County will be sponsored for four years in the programme.

Catherine Auma Ouma will join Busiada Girls High from Siruka, while Anjela Nekesa Okumu is set to join Bishop Linus Okok Girls Secondary School from Busidibu Primary.

From the  Malaba Branch, the four boys and four girls are Brighton Okide Omadede, Edwin  Oundo Ekisa, Martha Nekesa, Mercy Melvin Adeke, Samuel Etoo Otengo, Eunice Ekorojo Karani, Scovia Akochi, and Nathan Ekitang’on Osere.

Addressing the press after flagging off the successful recipients in Busia, Equity Busia Branch manager Oscar Masinde said the eight picked from the branch were drawn from five sub-counties of Bunyala, Samia, Butula, Nambale and Matayos.

“The recipients will enjoy a 4-year scholarship that will include tuition, uniform, books, and out of pocket allowances,” he said, adding that so far about 910 students from Busia have gone through the programme since its inception.

“The cut-off mark was 350 with 700 applicants competing for 16 slots across the county. With many left out, I appeal to other corporates, CDF, county and national governments to avail bursaries to them,” he added.

Masinde urged successful candidates to work hard throughout the four years of sponsorship lest it be cancelled.

By Ochieng Achieng

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