Engage dialogue to improve results, KNUT urges parents

By Peter Otuoro

Education stakeholders have been urged to engage positively in consultative forums to improve the level of education in primary and secondary schools in Nakuru County.

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Nakuru Branch Secretary General Anthony Gioche said it is only through teacher-parent-student cooperation that education can be turned around.

“Academic excellence is not an event but a long term cultivated process,” said Gioche.

The KNUT Boss said teachers and learners thrive in a conducive environment, as parents play their role of paying schools fees in time, providing material support, and also closely monitoring the academic performance of their children.

“If parents fails to do their part, students drop their guard,” he said. He was speaking in their regional office in Nakuru.

“As KNUT leaders, we are concerned about academic performance in all our schools. That is why we encourage parents to cooperate with our teachers, give them total support and consult with them frequently to improve performance,” he added.

He dissuaded parents from rushing to the media for even minor problems which could be resolved amicably through dialogue.

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