Energy Committee: Amend laws to allow cooking gas project in public schools

Energy schools

The National Assembly Committee on Energy has called for the amendment of the Energy Act 2019 and the Miscellaneous Fees and Levies Act 2016 to allow for the allocation of Ksh2.5 billion annually for the implementation of a presidential directive that requires all public schools to switch to using cooking gas.

The committee led by Victor Musyoka said funding of the cooking gas project in 5,000 boarding schools can only be done once the two laws have been amended.

The committee told the Budget and Appropriations committee (BAC) that the National Treasury has not actualized the conversion of the levy into an appropriation-in-aid to the Ministry of Energy.

“There is need to review the existing legal provisions in the Energy Act, 2019 and the Miscellaneous Fees and Levies Act, 2016 to align them with the current needs of the petroleum sub-sector,” said Musyoka.

He added that the money for the implementation of the clean cooking gas project is available through the Anti-Adulteration Levy hence the need to amend the law to earmark this levy for the provision of clean cooking gas to boarding schools.

The committee recommended an additional allocation for the cooking gas project.  If implemented in a sustainable manner, the project will immensely contribute to the green energy economy and positive environmental management.

By Thuita Jaswant

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