End incessant wrangles in KNUT leadership

Lately, the media has been inundated with disturbing stories of wrangles involving the leadership of the giant Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT).
The leadership row between the union Secretary General Wilson Sossion and a section of its officials speaks volumes about the deep-rooted troubles rocking KNUT.
The KNUT leadership has recently thrown caution to the wind and constantly engaged each other in incessant fighting.
They have forgotten that leadership is defined by the ability to embrace diversity, tolerate criticism and accept other people’s point of view, because at the end of the day that is what democracy is all about.
Coming at a time the country is undergoing an important period of education reforms, introspection and transition; such divisions in the union do not inspire confidence at all.
A solid, united union is what the member is asking for.
It is however good news to hear that the warring factions have begun talks to heal the sharp divisions that have rocked the union.
Already, the Knut acting National Chairman Wycliffe Omucheyi has revoked the suspension and show cause letters that had been issued to Sossion.
We are calling upon the KNUT leaders to stop wrangling and focus their energy in delivering their mandate to the teachers.
It is our hope that these wrangles are nipped in the bud before they divide the teaching fraternity heavily and negatively impact on education development.
It is time KNUT house is put in order for the benefit of teachers.

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