Embu professionals mop up school dropouts to enroll in TVETs

By Musyoka Kaleti

A group of professionals from Mbeti South Ward in Mbeere South is on a mission to see students who scored low grades or dropped out of school join technical colleges to acquire vocational skills.

The group, led by James Mubothi, target addressing the challenge of unemployment in the area, which has been occasioned by low education levels and lack of employability skills. They want the children to have knowledge and skills that will enable them fit in job market.

A group of more than 50 students from the Ward have already been taken round Jeremiah Nyaga Technical Training Institute to have a feel of the courses offered so that they can make choices.

Kelvin Murimi, who was among those who toured the institute, said he will enroll in a telecommunication course so that he can have a better life.

Speaking to press, Mubothi said several students had benefited from the programme since they started in 1995.

“Job markets require skills and competencies and that is what we want to tap into by rehabilitating those who scored low grades or did not complete their studies,” said Mubothi.

He urged students to join the programme since the government paid their fees.

“This programme will equip the youth with practical skills which will enable them to either access gainful employment or venture into self-employment as engineers, technologists, technicians and craftsmen,” he said.

An example of the beneficiaries is Edith Njeru, who is now the Assistant Chief of Kirima Sub-location.

Alex Waweru, also a beneficiary of the programme, is doing Electrical Engineering and expected to graduate this year with enough skills to start a vocation.

The group said it will extend its mission to the wider Embu and other counties.

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