Embu governor disburses Ksh100M for bursaries

Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire (left) hands over a dummy cheque during the event

Embu County has disbursed Ksh100 million in bursaries to 45,177 needy students in various secondary schools.

Governor Cecily Mbarire handed over the cheques to various schools through ward education committees and school Principals in a ceremony held at the Embu Moi Stadium.

She said that distribution of the bursaries was fair and transparent since fairness and due diligence had been upheld in the selection of deserving cases among applicants.

Mbarire however noted that Ksh3.8 million set aside for the bursaries had remained in the kitty after anomalies linked to irregular and multiple applications were detected following the installation of a digital bursary management system.

The county boss disclosed that schools whose students make multiple applications will be blacklisted.

She said that the digital system, now in use for the second year, ensured transparency and eased the process of bursary allocation.

Under the disbursed funds, there were 12,522 beneficiaries’ from Manyatta, Runyenjes with 12,522 students while Mbeere South and Mbeere North had 11,905 and 7,816 beneficiaries’ respectively.


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The governor praised the ward administration officers who serve as the bursary committee secretaries for working with diligence and assured that the teams would be facilitated with laptops among other requisite facilities to ensure they served with more efficiency.

She called for concerted efforts to ensure continued success of the bursary distribution efforts and expressed satisfaction that there was no political interference during disbursement.

By Robert Nyagah

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