Eight candidates fail to appear for KCSE in Embu North

Basic Education PS Belio Kipsang

A total of 8 candidates in Embu North have failed to sit this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

Embu North Deputy County Commissioner Walter Ngaira said four among the eight disappeared from school after registering for the exams earlier this year.

Ngaira noted that the candidates could not even be traced by their relatives and they are still at large.

He noted that one candidate had mental problems and was admitted at Mathare National Teaching and Referral Hospital,  with another opting to forgo it after sickness and went back to form three.

The administrator also disclosed that two among the eight were two private candidates.

At the same time the DCC said they were forced to use police land cruisers to ferry examination materials due to poor road condition caused by heavy rains.

He singled out Manyatta, Kivue-Kaviu road as one that has been affected by the rains.

However, he said the exams landed in the centres in good time.

Embu County Director for Education Kosgey Kipruto, who supervised the opening of the container at the county commissioner’s office in Embu town, said that the exam started in good time across the county, with a total of 13,805 candidates sitting the exam (6,808 boys and 6,998 girls).

Kipruto urged all the officials mandated to oversee the exam to uphold the highest integrity to ensure the smooth running of the exam.

“We know our teachers are the best and we expect them to demonstrate the highest level of professionalism. I urge all the centre managers to be extra vigilant and ensure that the examinations are guarded to the end,” he said.

In Mbeere South sub-county, the containers were opened within the stipulated time.

According to Deputy County Commissioner George Omollo, the exam was strictly administered with no chance of irregularities.

“We have two officers in each centre. The exams are being escorted from the containers to the exam centres and we are certain that we shall deliver a credible examination,” Omollo said.

By Brian Malila

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