Educationists in their numbers grace a principal’s wedding in Baringo

Some of the teachers who attended the wedding present their gift.

Top education officials, principals and teachers of Baringo County graced Senetwo Secondary School Principal Isaac Yator’s wedding that was marked with pomp and colour.

Speaking during the event held at Kabasis in Baringo Central, area KESSHA  chairman  Silvano Cheptarus  lauded his colleague for taking the step to solemnize his marriage.

The Talai High School Chief Principal hailed Yator for his unparalleled leadership skills that have impacted the lives of many students in various schools during his career that has spanned for decades.

He said that his demeanour and astute headship was worth emulating by colleagues, especially his integral role in education which has fully transformed schools he has been.

Sacho Ward MCA John Tarus, a former principal of Kaptiriony Day Secondary School, extolled Yator for his achievements and urged leaders to match his leadership.

He said his commitment to realize development in the area was ripe and singled out education as one of the main concerns.


Qualities of effective student career counsellors

By Alfred Kimosop

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A Section of School heads and education officials presenting their gift to Senetwo Principal Isaac Yator during his wedding. PHOTO /Alfred Kimosop.

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