Education stakeholders urged to support CBC

By Enock Okong’o

Parents, teachers and other education stakeholders have been asked to support the new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) as it is well balanced.

Speaking at Kiomiti primary school in Nyariba Masaba constituency during the commissioning of four classrooms, area Member of Parliament Ezekiel Machogu thanked the government for improving infrastructure in all public schools across the country.

‘It’s only through education that development can take place. That’s why the government is prioritizing on education,’ he said.

The legislator promised that the local NG-CDF will continue supporting infrastructural development so as to supplement what the Treasury gives to schools.

‘My office has constructed four modern classrooms worth Shs 4 million at Kiomoti primary school. I hope the classrooms will pray a role in ensuring the success of CBC,’ he said.

He thanked the school’s management committee for the prudent use of the funds and asked other schools to emulate them.

The MP ,who was a long serving District Commissioner before he joined politics, asked head teachers to live exemplary lives in order to influence their teachers, parents and pupils.

“Leadership is about influence that comes from the lifestyle of those in power.” He said.

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