Education CS, TSC CEO asked to stop exerting pressure on teachers

By Achola Bulimo Mathews

Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George. Magoha and Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO Nancy Macharia have been urged to stop employing pressure on teachers and instead give them ample time to give guidance to learners in efforts to end frequent unrests sweeping through schools.

In an interview with Education News, Bungoma County KUPPET Chairman David Barasa said that teachers have been subjected much into paper work to a point they get little time with learners, adding that some schools have a large number of students and need more time for teachers to interact with students for guidance at closer levels.

“Covid-19 changed Education calendar in the country, the ministry has initiated some programs that needs sacrifice, filing of TPAD, NEMIS and other records is costing them. The ministry of education should liaise with TSC and provide social support to teachers for the better and future of our country,” Barasa noted.

Barasa urged CS Magoha to stop bullying teachers and instead listen to what other stakeholders tell him.

According to Mr Barasa students and Teachers are under pressure to cover the syllabus on time.

“It is like CS Magoha is in a fist fight with teachers, he must listen and consult with other education stakeholders before he decides but if teachers continue working in such an environment then the education system will be left in ruins,” he said.

In his appeal, the unionist urged schools without Chaplains to ensure that they hire one to help them in spiritual nourishment, guiding and counseling and ensure that students are raised on a firm Christian foundation as one way of fighting vices in learning institutions.

Elsewhere while speaking in Ranje Village, Kanduyi Constituency the Senate Speaker Hon. Ken Lusaka has asked for all stakeholders to come on board for a national dialogue to find a lasting solution to the recent unrest that has led students to burn down school properties.

Speaker Lusaka noted that more parental guidance is needed for the learners through dialogue.

On her part the Kanduyi Sub-county Senior Assistant County Commissioner Mrs. Angeline Were has noted that no Disco Matanga will be allowed in Bungoma County since it is one of the major causes of teenage pregnancies.

Mrs. Were said that the National Government through the Interior and Education Ministries is going to ensure that every child goes to school and any parent found to be keeping children at home for any reason will face the full force of Law.

Statistics show that Bungoma County registered about 4000 cases of teenage pregnancies due to the effects of Covid-19 pandemic.

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