ECDE teachers should be employed under TSC, KNUT says

Nakuru KNUT Executive Secretary Anthony Gioche.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Nakuru branch has said that Early Childhood Education Teachers (ECDE) should be employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The branch Executive Secretary Anthony Gioche said that the teachers deserve the teachers deserve the employment because they are professionals with academic qualifications same as teachers in higher levels.

While speaking to Education News in his Nakuru office, Gioche said that currently the teachers do not have 100% job security as their contracts can be terminated at any time, thus affecting their effectiveness in class.

The KNUT boss said that they are also advocating being under TSC so they can have career progression like other civil servants in the country.

He added that this will uplift the teachers’ economic status which will in turn boost their morale and improve their living standards.

The financial stability, Gioche said, will enable the teachers to also join Saccos and benefit from other financial incentives for their families and personal prosperity as well.

By Peter Otuoro

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