ECDE teachers defy governors on sub-sector being taken over by national government

KUNOPPET officials led by the National Chairman Lawrence Otunga addressing the press in Nairobi today, where they defied governors on rejecting the proposal to place ECDE under national government.

Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers have come out to strongly to oppose the recent move by governors to reject the recommendations of the Presidential Working Party on Education ReformS (PWPER) on the sub-sector being run by the national government.

The Teachers, through their union Kenya Union of Pre-Primary Education Teachers (KUNOPPET), while addressing the press today in Nairobi, stated that county governments have for a long time misused ECDE teachers and that they will not allow that to continue.

The union’s National Chairman Lawrence Otunga noted that some counties are paying teacher peanuts and that the scheme of service is not uniformly implemented in all counties.

Otunga stated further that it’s high time the teachers are respected since they are qualified, while others are over-qualified, and that governors should respect the PWPER since it collected views from all stakeholders in the country.

slamming Vihiga, Kitui, Murang’a and West Pokot counties for mistreating teachers, Otunga stated further that it’s time TSC took over the employment of ECDE teachers since governors have politicized the exercise to reward loyalties.

He stated further that governors have diverted funds meant for ECDE to other projects which are supposed to be implemented by the national government, citing issuance of bursaries and coming up with school feeding programmes as examples, and adding that the move by governors to reject the report means that they’ve sabotaged the President of the Republic of Kenya.

By Roy Hezron

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