EACC partners with church to inculcate ethos among learners


The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) Western Kenya region has partnered with the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church in formulating a curriculum aimed at inculcating ethical behavior in students.

The new curriculum aims at cultivating ethics and a sense of responsibility among students in SDA sponsored schools.

EACC Regional Coordinator, Abraham Kemboi, said during the launch at the West Kenya Union conference facility in Kisumu that ethics is a major factor in the fight against graft.

Kemboi said the virtue can pick up very first when instilled among students at their formative stages in life.

He said the best method of combating graft in the country was by instilling ethics and morals among young people.

West Kenya Union conference president, Samuel Misiani, said the curriculum on integrity will be shared with the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders with a view to fine tuning it.

Misiani said the church stands for a corruption free society adding that the youth can be the best ambassadors towards that end.

He said the curriculum contained in two books tackles all aspects of life in students.

Misiani said the concept can later be adopted by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development and other interested parties.

The church leader said corruption when not nipped in the bud can destroy the entire community.

 By Fredrick Odiero

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