Dorms set on fire in three Tharaka Nithi schools

By Amoto Dennis

Police are looking for students suspected of setting fire on dormitories and stores in three secondary schools in Tharaka Nithi County.

Despite the efforts of the police and villagers to save a dormitory at St Teresa Kanthanje Secondary School, it was completely destroyed.

Chuka/Igamang’ombe sub-county police chief David Ngondi said they suspected the fire was started by students who later fled the school.

“We are looking for the suspected arsonists,’’ the officer said.

At Kajuki Secondary School, a 136-bed dormitory burnt down on Saturday night.

Four students were arrested and taken to Kathwani Police Station for questioning.  

“Out of the four, two were found smoking bhang in the toilets while others were found drunk,’’ he said.

Police say sympathisers of the four may have torched the dormitory because the fire was noticed moments after the teacher on duty summoned them to his office.

On Sunday evening, a fire gutted two stores at Joseph Allamano Boys Secondary School.

Ngondi urged school administrators to cultivate good rapport with learners. 

“Some principals are to blame because instead of addressing concerns raised by students, they ignore them,’’ he observed.

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